Open Forum

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Our Open Forum will offer a space for everyone to learn more about the National Music Service’s work so far and to share news, opportunities and developments within the wider music community. The forum will also provide opportunity to explore current topics in music education. It will be held in different venues across Wales, three times a year.

Past events

28 FEBRUARY 2024

Collage of activities at the Open Forum

The second National Music Service Wales Open Forum took place at YMa in Pontypridd 28 February 2024. The Open Forum has been created by the National Music Service and Music Partnership Forum Wales as a space where people can explore current topics in music education, hear about the progress of the National Music Education Plan, network and share opportunities. The theme for this meeting was Partnership.

14 NOVEMBER 2023

Collage of activities at the Open Forum

For our first National Music Service Open Forum, we met at Pontio in Bangor. The Open Forum has been created by the National Music Service and Music Partnership Forum Wales as a space where people can explore current topics in music education, hear about the progress of the National Music Education Plan, network and share opportunities. The theme for this first meeting was pathways in music education.